Thursday, 31 May 2007

A Peg in My Space


A small piece of wood, metal or plastic used for holding things together or marking a position. Find one in your space today.


Took this very quickly before it started to rain again - and it started chucking it down the second I closed the back door!!! Close call!

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

A Shadow in My Space


A dark area created by lack of light. Find a shadow in your space today.


Ok so I cheated and this is an old photo but the weather is so grotty I can imagine getting an impressive shadow!

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

A Treat in My Space


A little something to brighten up your day, week or year! Show us a treat in your space today.


My children are my treat everyday - they always do something that amaze me! However this photos shows a bigger treat - they are both asleep!!!!!!!!!

Superman to the rescue

Callum decided he wanted to wear his Superman outfit today - its getting a little bit small for him but thought I'd let him wear it anyway! He is looking very sweet!


Sunday, 27 May 2007

Having a scrapping day!

Have done 2 layouts this afternoon already and I'm going to do more!!!

I'm not to sure about this one - its of my BBQ which I had for my birthday


And then this one is a scraplift off a womans LO on UKScrappers. This is one of Hope.


Saturday, 26 May 2007

Sam is home!

YAY!!!!!!! Sam came home yesterday!!!

It was lovely to watch Callums face light up and him to go running to him - he wouldn't let him put him down for ages!

25 May 2007 - DAY 13

A reflection in My Space


A throw back of light from a surface. Find one in your space today



I forgot that I have this one that I took as part of my photo a day project - its of Fort Rowner in Sultan Naval Base in Gosport! I am so proud of this photo!

16 March 2007 - Fort Rowner

Friday, 25 May 2007


I want one - its as simple as that! And I want one now! The problem?? I cant afford one so will have to wait!

How cool are they? And the price is not bad!!

I'm hoping I can get one out of Sams backdated wages in the Summer, but if we cant afford it (as lets face it, its quite frivolous) then I am definitely making him get me one for Christmas!

Experimenting with filters

My Dad bought me a load of filters off Ebay. At my birthday BBQ he brought the ones which had arrived down for me. I quickly tested them out to see the effects.

He bought me a multi image one:


I already had a 4star filter:


He bought me a prism one which is really funky:


And then this is the prism one and the multi image one on at the same time:


I cant wait to use them on something more interesting than a light bulb! hee hee but I'm quite impressed by the effects!

A spoon in My Space


An implement used for eating. Find a spoon in your space today.


Thursday, 24 May 2007

Meet Adam

Well I think you've met all the members of my family apart from Adam.


We rescued him last year after we were broken into twice. We dont know his history as he was just found strolling in Ireland. He has a bad limp though after several checks we do not know why - we think its just nerve damage, and he's not in any pain.

He's a lovely dog, so friendly with the children and so protective of us!

A Toe in My Space


A digit at the end of a foot. Show us a toe in your space.


Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Its All About You


Look what I just bought


Am really excited about getting this!

Hope has found her feet!!!


A walk through Ilchester

Well a walk which should have taken about 30 to 40 minutes took over 2 hours as I thought it would be a good idea for Callum to walk - he's been so good with his walking recently, and loves helping to push the pushchair so thought it would be ok.

Oh dear god it wasn't - he mostly fine there, just took a while as walked so slow (which I didn't mind), we had to stop and look at anything of interested.

But the way back all hell let loose - I tried carrying him: he didn't want that, I tried putting him in the buggy next to Hope: he didn't want that, I tried leaving him to walk: he didn't want that.

The poor lad has got bruises on his arms where I had to keep grabbing him to stop him running into the road!! Next time I'll just struggle with the buggy methinks!

But on the way done I got some nice photos. This following one of Ilchester church I'm using as my photo today:

22 May 2007 - DAY 10

And at one point I had Callum sat on a wall and managed to take some photos of him - he refused to look at the camera in any of them though. This is my favourite:


A path in my space


A track laid down to walk upon. Show us a path in your space.


Monday, 21 May 2007

I struggle but...

I sometimes really struggle at this mummy business! I find myself shouting far to often, find myself getting to hot under the collar and needing to walk away for a minute to calm down - but I love my kids, they are my world and I would never harm them and will always be there for them.

plus when they are as cute as this how can you stay mad at them???

My great grandmother

Been trying to do this layout all day of my great grandmother:


Journaling says:

Marion Sullivan, known as Marie.
She had a sad and short life. She was brought up by her sisters when her mother was commited for severe post natal depression.
She married Fred Clarke in 1919. After giving birth to my nan Ina in 1920 they emigrated to Canada where she went on to have 3 more children - Bernice, Roy and Joyce.
In a time when abortion was ilegal, Marie found herself pregnant for a 5th time, with a child she did not want. A friend recommended a "Doctor" who could give her a drug to terminate the pregnancy. Sadly the drug poisoned her and she died in 1927 leaving 4 children without a mother, the eldest aged 7 and the youngest just 2

The story will continue with the next layout I do which will be of my Nan.

My prof photos of the kids

A little while back we had professional photos taken of the kids by Pixi-photo in Woolworths!

I was so excited at the time and I love them!!!!!

However, I wont be having them done again - the photos cost a lot of money and once I've got the background support (have a background already ordered, will be getting support on payday) I could do just as good, if not better!











Cookies in my space


A small sweet cake that is flat and round. Find one in your space today

21 May 2007 - DAY 9

Sunday, 20 May 2007

I miss my hubby!

Sam is back in Portsmouth this week, he went on Friday, and will be back on Friday! I miss him loads already and wish he was home.

This is my gorgeous husband:

1 March 2007

My momma

I managed to do another layout this evening - this time I scrapped a photo of my mum.


Journalling says:My mother - one of the most important people in my life. We're in contact practically every day. We're so alike its uncanny - Sam is always laughing at us. I love my mum so much, she works so hard and we have so much fun together. She truly is my best friend.

Her Space My Space

Right I absolutely love this blog, I check it out every day.

Due to Hope being born and the move I haven't joined in yet - but that all changes today.

Todays word is cards. Heres my offering:


I've also decided to give previous words a go when I get a chance. Today I also did chocolate, ribbon and shoe:




Finally done a layout!

Been trying to do this layout all day, but kids kept waking up and needing me!

They are finally both in bed so I managed to finish it off!

I'm very pleased with it, its the first time I've scrapped my Nan who died when I was 10.


Oh what a day!

Both kids are miserable which is just fab - I think they are missing Sam.

Went for a walk up to the shop for milk and bread. We pass this statue of an eagle every day and Callum loves it.

20 May 2007 - DAY 8

We came back and Callum decided to climb into Hopes buggy - he wanted to be strapped in and with his legs in the cosy toes - typical, he wouldn't ever keep his legs in the cosy toes when he was a baby but now he's quite happy about it!

20 May 2007 - DAY 8

And Hope is being miserable!

20 May 2007 - DAY 8

Saturday, 19 May 2007

Whats in Somerton?

Answer: nothing!!!!!

A few little shops, the majority of which shut at lunch time on a Saturday and were therefore shut by the time we got there1

There was a nice little cafe at the back of this really cute shop. We stopped there for a drink and a cake. (We being Mum, kids and me).

They had a bowl of sugar cubes on the table which was quite cute

19 May 2007 - DAY 7

Callum enjoyed his ice cream!


Friday, 18 May 2007

Todays photo

Todays photo is possibly a boring one for some people, but I'm trying to remember to take photos of Callums toys so in the future he can see what he played with as a baby.

Today he has been playing with his hammer and pegs loads. I cant wait til I get a photo tent as this would have looked loads better if it wasn't on my mother in laws paint splattered table!

18 May 2007 - DAY 6

First Editions Project

A little while ago Paula set us all a challenge to do a layout on our team. So we all emailed pictures and have done a layout!

I've done something slightly different (still a big secret) but I've almost finished - when I'm done I will reveal all.

In the meantime, here are some sneaky pics.









