Not sure if I like it though
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
A Bowl in My Space
Bless his little cottons
I rush to the living room and cannot see him - I start to panic but then notice a little mound on the sofa! He'd fallen asleep!!!
This is the first time he's done that!!
I feel like I'm back at school sometimes!!
An opinion has turned into world war 3 and whereas some people are happy to just move on and forget, others wont shut up about it! Seems rather pathetic and childish to me!
I've wasted the last year of my life being friends with people that just weren't worth it. But I've learnt from that now and have made 3 true friends who I get on with soooo well. So Lou, Terrie and V - I love you, thanks for all your support and for making me laugh when I'm feeling down and missing Sam like crazy.
And to the norty girls: grow up for fucks sake!
My Art Journal Begins
After doing the art therapy the other day I've been wanting to flick more paint around so dug out an old notebook, ripped out the pages I'd already written on and got to decorating.
I'd already altered the notebook previously, instead of ripping that paper off I just painted over it. I then cut some photos out of the newpaper and stuck them on. When covering it with glue I mixed in a tiny bit of paint to make the glaze coloured but still see through.
I think I may add pictures to the back but haven't found any I like (plus used up all the glue) so that can wait, I may decide I like it as it is. I put a picture of a really cool sillohette on there but mixed to much paint in the glue so you cant really see the beauty of it, which is why I also added the picture of the tree.
I'm pleased with it though, its nothing like I've done before
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Sit in My Space
Art Therapy
It looks better in real life but the more I look at it the more I dont think its finished so I will probably add more tomorrow. Going to let all that paint fully dry first though - plus i'm pretty tired so would be best to deal with it tomorrow.
Its on newspaper to dry, but I think it looks quite good so I'm going to create a newspaper mount to stick it to then its going on my wall above my craft desk.
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Feeling low
But Mum and Dad are coming home today and are going to pop in and see me on the way - they've been on a cruise on the QE2 round Iceland and Norway.
I cant wait for Sam's course to be finished and he can come home! Plus if he passes (which he should) he gets his increase in wages backdated to March so I can get my camera equipment that I need so quite excited about that!
I've also decided to leave my craft team on UkScrappers - there was a big argument the other week and then another one this week and I've just decided enough is enough - this certainly hasn't helped my low mood and I dont want to end up with depression like I did last year. I'm going to miss the girls on there and I'm sure I'll keep in touch with some of them but I think the time is right to move on.
I haven't decided whether I'm going to join a new team yet - I might give UKS a break for a little while as I'm spending far to much time on the internet and not enough playing with my babies!
Friday, 22 June 2007
Write in My Space
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Tea in My Space
Press in My Space
A Drink in My Space
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Getting to grips with photoshop
I'm quite pleased with my early attempts.
The top one is the original photo untouched!
The bottom one has had the colour/contrast/saturation adjusted, fish eye lens effect added plus lens distortion.
The top one is the original photo untouched!
The bottom one has had the colour/contrast/saturation adjusted, fish eye lens effect added plus lens distortion
The top one is the original photo untouched.
The bottom one has had the colour/contrast/saturation adjusted and fish eye lens effect added
The top one is the original photo untouched.
The bottom one has levels adjusted, and the colour returned to the hat
The top one is the original photo untouched.
The bottom one has had the levels adjusted and the colour returned to the tiger
Monkeying around in Monkey World!
Saturday, 16 June 2007
A Hat in My Space
Friday, 15 June 2007
No Shell in My Space today!
Oh well never mind, I've had an idea of another photo project - big secret at the moment, when I've had time to have a proper think all will be revealed!
Thursday, 14 June 2007
I have done more but haven't taken photographs of all of them yet!
I've done 17 pages this month towards Torias album which is a wedding present for her (and her partner as well obviously) - They get married on 7th July and I decided on 1st June to do one so didn't leave me much time - but I've done little cheats and used patterned paper where all I had to do was plonk a photo on there and add a couple of embellishments, plus used lots of sketches! Scrapped on 8x8 which I've never done before - still think I prefer 8.5 x 11.
A Boat in My Space
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
So innocent - and such a poser!
I took loads of pictures of him yesterday whilst he was eating but this was the only one that came out that didn't have food bulging out of his mouth or his cheeks puffed out like a hamster.
The focus isn't that great but I think he looks lovely (and a little bit mischievous)
Tired in My Space!
Monday, 11 June 2007
17 and a half weeks already
Oh my god, can you believe my little girl is 17 and a half weeks old already! I've just started her on a spoonful of baby rice, she can roll over, she is now self settling and sleeping in her own bed - I just cant believe how fast its going.
This is me on 23rd Jnaury - my due date. She didn't arrive until NINE days later! Hmmmm!23 January 2007" />
I was very uncomfortable by this point, and my bump was MASSIVE!! But then she was a big girl, 9lb, 10oz! Whew!
This is her on day 1:
The photo is really bad quality because Sam didn't want to use the flash and the lighting was quite poor but this was her at about 15 minutes old!! She was sooooo puffy!
And then this is my beauty now:
Well as I've shown you Hope I really have to show you Callum too (hee hee)
I cant believe he's going to be 2 next month - those 2 years have gone in a flash. I watch him everyday in amazement at all the new things he's learning to do and say
This is me at 7 months pregnant - as we moved at the end of my pregnancy I didn't manage to get any more bump photos
This is actually me in early labour with Callum - though you cant really see my bump properly as my plate is on it! I'm eating pineapple to start things properly - and boy did that work! (photo is poor quality cause it was taken on Sam's mobile)
This is CAllum at about 2 hours old
And then this is my boy on Friday at my nephews birthday party