After doing the art therapy the other day I've been wanting to flick more paint around so dug out an old notebook, ripped out the pages I'd already written on and got to decorating.
I'd already altered the notebook previously, instead of ripping that paper off I just painted over it. I then cut some photos out of the newpaper and stuck them on. When covering it with glue I mixed in a tiny bit of paint to make the glaze coloured but still see through.
I think I may add pictures to the back but haven't found any I like (plus used up all the glue) so that can wait, I may decide I like it as it is. I put a picture of a really cool sillohette on there but mixed to much paint in the glue so you cant really see the beauty of it, which is why I also added the picture of the tree.
I'm pleased with it though, its nothing like I've done before
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